This series of lessons based on expressionism was created by an Art subject leader and takes thee children through research, understanding artwork, annotations, sketching, pastel techniques and final self assessment.
This download includes the following resources:
Complete planning document on Mircrosoft Word
Layered Learning objectives
5 lessons with PowerPoints
Planned using TEEP structure
Vocabulary list
Formative Assessment Grid
Final review worksheet
A whole school pathway for Art in Primary school following a child’s journey from EYFS to Secondary School. I have been Art Lead for almost 3 years and I have included artists, dates, links to the national curriculum and skill coverage across each key stage. This is a great visual tool for Govenors and OFSTED to give a brief but thorough overview of your curriculum.
My school works on a 2 year cycle but this could be adapted to say LKS2A is Year 3 and LKS2B is Year 4.
Visual Overview
As Design and Technology Subject Lead, I have created this glossary of progressive terminology/ extended vocabulary list to ensure that the children in my school have a broad range of vocabulary that could be used across the curriculum. Somme vocabulary is cross-curricular and will support teaching alongside the new OFSTED framework. I began with Year 1 and, based on National Curriculum progression documents, I compiled a list of vocabulary that the children should see, hear and be encouraged to use. I have added new vocabulary to deepen the children’s understanding and broaden their vocabulary in each year group. This can be seen in green.
It have separated the vocabulary into the seven areas of DT:
• Design
• Structure
• Mechanism
• Electrical Control
• Materials
• Food Technology
• Evaluation
This list can be used by:
Subject Leaders as part of progression documents and curriculum for the school.
Teachers as a planning scaffold and an assessment tool to ensure children have a broad art curriculum.
Teachers to deepen their subject knowledge.
Teachers and subject leaders to promote high standards in vocabulary across the curriculum.
To ensure Art is linked to English and reading where possible.
Pupils may find this resource useful as a check list in their sketchbooks at the beginning of each topic.
My school have used this grid this year and we have noticed a great improvement in the children’s understanding of art vocabulary in their speech and through their writing in English.
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As Art Subject Lead I created this glossary of art terminology/ extended vocabulary list to ensure that the children in my school had a broad range of vocabulary that could be used across the curriculum. I began with Year 1 and, based on National Curriculum progression documents, I compiled a list of vocabulary that the children should see, hear and be encouraged to use. I have added new vocabulary to deepen the children’s understanding and broaden their vocabulary for each year group. This can be seen in green.
This list can be used by:
Subject Leaders as part of progression documents and curriculum for the school.
Teachers as a planning scaffold and an assessment tool to ensure children have a broad art curriculum.
Teachers to deepen their subject knowledge.
Teachers and subject leaders to promote high standards in vocabulary across the curriculum.
To ensure Art is linked to English and reading where possible.
Pupils may find this resource useful as a check list in their sketchbooks at the beginning of each topic.
My school have used this grid this year and we have noticed a great improvement in the children’s understanding of art vocabulary in their speech and through their writing in English.
This bundle contains progressive vocabulary lists fro Art, DT, Geography and History.
The lists are progressive across years 1 to 6. The new vocabulary children should learn each year is highlighted in green and the vocabulary from previous years is in purple.
This resource was designed as a document for OFSTED, SLT and middle leaders. I used it in my school as a guide for teachers to inform their planning.
As Subject Lead I created this glossary of terms for my subjects including terminology/ extended vocabulary list to ensure that the children in my school had a broad range of vocabulary that could be used across the curriculum. I began with Year 1 and, based on National Curriculum progression documents, I compiled a list of vocabulary that the children should see, hear and be encouraged to use. I have added new vocabulary to deepen the children’s understanding and broaden their vocabulary for each year group. This can be seen in green.
This list can be used by:
Subject Leaders as part of progression documents and curriculum for the school.
Teachers as a planning scaffold and an assessment tool to ensure children have a broad art curriculum.
Teachers to deepen their subject knowledge.
Teachers and subject leaders to promote high standards in vocabulary across the curriculum.
To ensure Art is linked to English and reading where possible.
Pupils may find this resource useful as a check list in their sketchbooks at the beginning of each topic.
My school have used this grid this year and we have noticed a great improvement in the children’s understanding of art vocabulary in their speech and through their writing in English.